Hyper Text Mark-up Language short form is HTML which World Wide Web (WWW) display the information in Web Browser or use progmmars to prersent and format web page information. this is not really a programming language. it is a structural languager of web page. programmers use this language to properly format their content, text, audio, video and files on web pages. HTML file normaly known as web page. Tim Berners Lee was the first to invent HTML in 1990 when working at CERN located in Gavana.the extension of html document is .html or .htm. html file can be created using any type of text editors. suppose: Notepad, Wordpad, Sublime Text etc...
Concept of HTML: HTML is used to design web pages. Generally there are two major parts in a web page created in HTML.
1. Head Part: This section contains the Title of web page, web page type, search engine key-word, required codes which present in this part. this part is very important for a web page.
2. Body Part: This is the main part of the document in which information is displayed.
The example of HTML page stucture:
<h1>this is a heading</h1>
<p>this is a paragraph.</p>